Monday, April 24, 2023

San Diego California Temple


James took this photo on his mission in San Diego.  We went to the San Diego Temple in 1995 when we toured his mission.  It was my sixth temple.

We took our kids to Disneyland and Sea World in 2010, and went to show them the San Diego Temple.  This is Rebecca

Micah, Rebecca, and Ian at the San Diego Temple

The San Diego Temple is special to our family because my husband James served his mission in San Diego and was there during the open house and dedication in 1993.  In fact, he sang in the Celestial Room at the open house! I have only attended this temple twice, when we went with my parents to tour James' mission right after we got married, and when we went with my parents and brothers and their wives for my parents' fiftieth wedding anniversary.  Our family did a sealing session that was so special!  The sealer gave us a beautiful promise that if we attended the temple often, we would be blessed in all areas of our life, including in temporal matters.  He was very kind, and I was grateful that he let me organize the family name cards in a way that would be most special for our family, instead of the rigid organized way that the workers in the sealing office had organized them.  We were all able to be sealed as a child to my parents, and my parents were also able to be sealed as a child to us.  It is one of the most spiritual and happy moments of my life.  I wish I had a photo of us at the temple during the trip after James and I got married, but I don't.  We took our kids on a trip to California in 2010 and went to see the temple that evening.  The temple will be closing for renovations in July of 2023, so we'll make it just in time for this most recent trip! It is located at 7474 Charmant Drive.  My very favorite thing about the San Diego temple is definitely the Celestial Room.  It is so magnificent and beautiful!  I love the different levels in the Celestial Room.  I hope that with all of the renovations, they don't change anything on the inside!  I asked a temple worker why they were renovating the temple, because it is so stunningly beautiful.  She said that through the years the exterior has started to crack and the roof has started to leak.  Hopefully they will fix the outside and keep the inside as beautiful and perfect as it already is!


My parents on their fiftieth wedding anniversary - June 20, 2023

James and I with my parents

My parents and brothers and their spouses with James and I on my parents' 50th wedding anniversary, June 20, 2023

James and I, 2023

that's me in front of the temple, 2023

We ate at a place closeby called Urban Plates:
The food was delicious!

view of the temple from the Urban Plates parking lot

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