Monday, April 24, 2023

Salt Lake City Temple


The Salt Lake Temple was my 4th temple, although I did grow up doing baptisms at the Salt Lake Temple, so I guess technically it was my first -- but after my endowment, it was my 4th temple.

2017, Lizzie and Teancum with me on Temple Square

2016 on Temple Square

Our family with Grandma and Grandpa

The Christus in the Temple Square Visitor's Center

Teancum, me, Lizzie, Rebecca, and James in 2019




2017 on Temple Square

2016 with one of Micah's mission companion's families



Our kids walking around on Temple Square, 2015

inside the old tabernacle, 2015



Ethan with me at the Salt Lake Temple, 2017

2015, my nephew Caleb and my son Micah at the Salt Lake Temple

2015, Caleb and Micah

Caleb & Micah, 2015

2018 at the Salt Lake Temple with my son James




One of the nativities on Temple Square



I remember attending the Salt Lake Temple to perform baptisms when I was a youth.  I remember sitting on the edge of the font before it was my turn.  We always went to the Salt Lake Temple because it was the closest to our home in Bountiful.  Years later, after I was endowed, I attended the Salt Lake Temple a few times for endowments, and a few times for weddings.  My grandparents used to work in the Salt Lake Temple, and a couple times I attended I was able to see my grandparents as Adam and Eve in the live session, or my grandpa as Satan.  That is my favorite thing about the Salt Lake Temple.  Currently it is closed for extensive renovations, and I'm not sure if after it opens it will be live sessions or not.  I took three of my sons to the Salt Lake Temple for endowment sessions before they left on their missions.  One of my most special memories of this temple was when I brought my son James to the last endowment session of the evening.  We stayed in the Celestial Room until everyone except one temple worker had left.  I love the Celestial Room at the Salt Lake Temple especially because of the sealing rooms that are in the Celestial Room.  When James and I left the Celestial Room, we walked through the hallways looking at the artwork.  Hardly anyone was left in the temple.  It was one of my very most special times at any temple.  If you have never been to Temple Square at Christmastime, it is definitely worth the trip!  Our family loved going to see all the lights, choosing things to buy at the Light the World giving machines, watching movies at the Joseph Smith Building, seeing the Christus at the visitor's center, talking with the missionaries who are serving on Temple Square from all over the world, etc.  

On one of our visits to Temple Square we met up with one our son Micah's mission companions.  We ate dinner together at Crown Burger and then headed over to Temple Square.  Fun memories like this make me especially excited for the construction project to be completed and the beautiful Salt Lake Temple to reopen!  The Salt Lake Temple is located at 50 W North Temple.  It was dedicated in 1893.  I am not sure when it will be rededicated.

When I took my son Ethan to the Salt Lake Temple we visited the family history building and tried out all of their different activities.

2017, Ethan at the Salt Lake Temple

The view from the top of the Church Administration building

Ethan in 2017
We visited the temple site in 2023 and saw the progress of the huge renovation:

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