Saturday, March 11, 2023

Reno Nevada Temple

The Temple

My 34th temple

Rebecca and Lizzie at the Reno Temple, 2017

me and Rebecca after baptisms at the Reno Temple, 2017

Rebecca, 2017


My girls and I went on a trip to Advanced Suzuki Institute at Stanford University.  On the way, we stayed a night in Reno and went to the Reno Nevada Temple.  It is a small temple, and we arrived just as they were opening.  The temple workers had a meeting before they started temple work, so we sat in the baptistry alone for a while.  When they finished their meeting, they greeted us and made us feel so welcome!  They were so excited that we were there, and they asked that after we completed the family names we had brought, that we would do many of their own family names.  We each did about 50 baptisms!  There were no other patrons there, and they just seemed so excited that we had come.  After we finished our baptisms and confirmations, we headed on the rest of our trip to California!  The Reno Temple is located at 2000 Beaumont Parkway.

The Trip

We drove from the middle of Wyoming to the Pacific Ocean and back on this trip.  On the way there we stayed one night in Reno, after driving on I-80 past the Salt Flats and the Tree of Utah.  We stayed at the Hampton Inn near the temple.  The girls had fun swimming in the pool.  Early in the morning Rebecca and I went to do baptisms at the Reno Temple.  Lizzie stayed sleeping at the hotel until we came back and picked her up.  Then we went back to the temple so Lizzie could have photos at the temple also.  And then we headed on our way to California.  We visited the Sacramento Temple on the way, but it was closed for cleaning so we couldn't go inside.  We will have to make a trip back to do temple work there!  We arrived in Palo Alto and stayed in the dorms on Stanford Campus for a week while my girls participated in Advanced Suzuki Institute.  We loved it!  We also went to the Oakland Temple and stayed in patron housing for one night.  Then we went to San Francisco and visited Alcatraz and Angel Islands, Fisherman's Wharf, the Golden Gate Bridge, China Town, rode in a cable car, and walked the steep streets of San Francisco!  I am a big fan of the TV series Monk, and I felt like I was walking all the same streets that he did.  Our trip home was quite the adventure - you can read about it in my post about the Oakland Temple!  

fun at the Hampton Inn pool in Reno

eating lunch on the way to Reno

the Tree of Utah out our window on the way to Reno

sunset on the Salt Flats
Sacramento California Temple

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