Monday, March 13, 2023

Washington DC Temple

The Temple

My son Cameron and I at the Washington DC Temple visitor's center.  I was holding my niece Gwen in this photo, 2008, my 29th Temple

My brother Curtis and his family at the Washington DC Temple with my son Cameron and daughter Lizzie.  Curtis' wife Lindsay was holding Gwen.  Zoey and Skylar were there also.

Cameron, me, and Lizzie at the Washington DC Temple, 2008

I visited the Washington DC Temple when I was in high school and my family came to tour the eastern states.  I can't remember if we did baptisms while we were there, but I don't think we did.  I think the first time I entered this temple was in 2008 when I brought my son Cameron there to do baptisms.  My brother Curtis tended Lizzie while we were in the temple.  I love this temple's beautiful white exterior!

The Trip

 My brothers Curtis and Chris sponsored a trip for me and my son Cameron and daughter Lizzie to Washington DC.  We stayed with my brother Curtis and his family in Virginia.  They loaned me their car to drive to the metro stop so that we can tour all of the sites in DC.  We went to the Smithsonians and all of the monuments, the White House, the Capitol Building, Arlington Cemetery, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and the spy museum!  It was such a fun trip for me and Cameron!  I think the spy museum didn't allow us to take photos and that's why I don't have any photos of it, but that was my son Cameron's favorite stop on our trip!

Lizzie and Cameron at the airport waiting for our flight to DC

Arlington Cemetery

John F Kennedy gravesite and the eternal flame

Arlington Cemetery

The Changing of the Guard

Supreme Court Building

Civil War Unknowns Monument

Lincoln Memorial

The Washington Monument

Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Union Station

The Capitol Building

Jefferson Memorial

Washington Monument

flight simulator at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum

Smithsonian Air & Space Museum

Washington Monument

Washington Monument

Capitol Building

The Supreme Court Building

Clinton Federal Building, head of EPA

US Treasury Building

The White House

The White House

inside the Capitol Building

inside the Capitol Building

Lincoln in the Capitol Building

Esther Hobart Morris statue in the Capitol, first woman to hold judicial office in the United States, and she was from Wyoming

inside Statutory Hall in the Capitol Building

Chief Washakie in the Capitol Building

Library of Congress

The Neptune Fountain at the Library of Congress

Cameron and Lizzie at the Washington DC Temple, 2008


Lizzie and I at the Washington DC Temple

Angel Moroni

on the temple grounds

The Washington DC Temple

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