Thursday, March 16, 2023

Detroit Michigan Temple

The Temple

My 25th Temple, February 2015

 In February 2015 I took my son Micah to Michigan State to take a test for the Starr Scholarship that he had applied for.  While he was taking his test, I drove to Bloomfield Hills to attend the Detroit Michigan Temple.  It is located at 37425 Woodward Avenue.  It was dedicated in 1999.  I thought it was funny that when I mentioned that I was going to the temple by myself, some people were worried about my safety.  I felt perfectly safe the entire time.  It is a small temple.  The workers made me feel welcome and at home.

The Trip

My son Micah applied for the Starr Scholarship at Michigan State, and as part of the application process he had to visit campus to take a test.  I went with him and we had a fun trip.  He toured campus and attended events, including taking his test.  We went to a dance performance by his friend Kennedy who had received the Starr Scholarship the year before.  We also went to a Michigan State basketball game.  I remember that Michigan State in February was the coldest I have ever felt!  It was a humid cold that went clear to my bones.  We attended the student branch there and saw such a variety of nationalities I thought it must be very rewarding to serve a mission there!  The end of our trip was eventful - unfortunately I had bought our plane tickets from United Airlines.  We waited in the Lansing airport for our departing flight, and the flight staff was late.  We ended up departing very late, and had to run through the Chicago airport to reach our connecting flight to Denver.  We barely made it - they waited the plane for us!  But then this plane was so late that we did miss our flight from Denver to Casper and ended up stranded in Denver.  The airline put us up in a penthouse suite at a nearby hotel.  The room was extremely nice, and they provided vouchers for dinner also, but the sad thing was, all of my clothes and toiletries were in my checked baggage and not my carry-on!  I learned my lesson!  Actually, I learned multiple lessons.  1) don't fly United ever again!  and 2) always keep a change of clean clothes and toiletries in my carry-on!  We ended up getting home safely the next day.  It was a fun trip for me and Micah to go on together for his senior year.  It wasn't long after that that he received his mission call to the Italy Rome mission and was gone for two years serving the Lord! 

Micah at the airport waiting for our flight

Michigan State ball game

Micah's friend Kennedy and her parents, who also happened to be visiting that week

me and Micah at Kennedy's dance performance

the student branch at Michigan State - Kennedy, Micah, and Daniel (he served a mission in our ward!)

Micah at the Denver airport (John Swigert)

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